Major Achievements
  • The department is awarded with prestigious “Hari Om Trust Award” from ICAR in 1987.
  • LUVAS buffalo farm under this department was awarded with “Best Murrah Center” under Network Project on Buffalo Improvement for the year 2016-17.
  • Dr. H.K. Gulati received National Fellow award of ISAPM and Dr. R.S. Yadav was awarded Life time achievement award in the 27th annual convention of Indian Society of Animal Production and Management and National Conference on “Paradigm shift in Livestock Management to obtain high quality animal Products for enhancing farm economy and entrepreneurship” held at PGIVER (RAJUVAS), Jaipur from 4-6 February, 2020.
  • Dr. Vishal Sharma, Assistant Professor, Granted Patent for an invention entitled “A DIETARY SUPPLEMENT COMPOSITION FOR TURKEY BROILERS” from Patent Office, Government of India (Patent No. 352685) on 30/11/2020.


  • Major Recommendations generated for field application are:
  1. Reduction in age at first calving, morbidity and mortality in calves and clean milk production.
  2. Balanced feeding (2 kg concentrate with 25 g of mineral mixture daily + ad lib. green fodder) and by adopting improved management practices such as water splashing 2-3 times during the hotter part of the day, cool hour feeding, provision of fresh drinking water and modified roofs to the growing buffalo heifers, puberty and maturity weight (300 kg) could be achieved at an early age of two years and effective in reducing the age at Ist calving. The service period and calving interval in the post-partum lactating buffaloes was also lowered.
  3. Provision of bedding, jacketing and curtains to protect young buffalo calves from severe winter which helps in reducing calf morbidity and mortality.
  4. Washing of udder with KMnO4 solution before and after milking helps in reducing the incidence of sub- clinical mastitis in buffaloes and reduces SPC count in milk.
  5. Breaking in practices in pregnant buffalo heifers approximately one month prior to the expected date of calving (tying of heifers, washing, grooming, massage of udder, teats and feeding concentrate individually etc.) significantly increased motherability, heavier and healthy calf at birth, milk production and lactation length.
  6. For best economic output fish meal should be used in the conventional concentrate ration as a natural bypass protein source for the growing buffalo calves.
  7. Addition of bypass fat@ 150g daily is recommended for getting better revenue from lactating Murrah buffaloes.
  8. Ajwain in feed @ 0.1% acts as efficient, effective and economical alternative to antibiotics growth promoters (AGP) in broiler industry.
  9. Chelated minerals should be replaced 100% against inorganic mineral for better performance in buffalo calves.
  10. The effect of “typha” (Patera grass) roof insulation to ameliorate thermal stress during March, April, May and September, October and November months in Murrah buffalo calves housed in loose housing system showed significant improvement in body weight gain.
  11. The new born murrah buffalo calves (male and female) should be housed and fed  separately and male calves should be fed with feed one day prior to female calves in large buffalo farms where ample calf housing facility exist. Further the prior initiation of feed eating and mastication of cud by the male calves over female calves may be due to higher body weight of male calves.
  12. The broiler may be reared safely and economically on chaffed wheat straw litter amended with superphosphate at 14th day of rearing and after six weeks of rearing, ensiling of used litter material for three weeks duration with inoculation of fermented milk proved helpful in retaining much of the nutritive value of the litter.
  13. For the selection of Murrahbuffaloes thin skin at neck region, broad muzzle, wide abdomen and wide distance of hip bones should be considered.
  14. Inclusion of mustard cake as sole source of protein in the concentrate for growing buffalo male and female calves is economical as compared to soyabean meal, ground nut cake, cotton seed cake as well as combination of these protein sources.
  15. Supplementation of 1% Indian gooseberry and 0.05% multi-enzyme in the ration of broiler chicken is economical during hot weather condition.
  16. Addition of 0.5 % amla and 0.5 % ashwagandha with 0.25% or 0.125 % turmeric powder can be effectively supplemented as an alternative to antibiotics growth promoter in poultry ration in winter and summer season for the production of lean and herbal meat and alleviating the stress without any adverse effect on the survivability of birds
  17. Increased frequency of bathing (four times) helps in improving the microclimate condition by reducing the overall THI in summer.
  18. Poly-herbal mixture supplementation just after parturition has beneficial effect on production and reproduction parameters
  19. Wheat straw in short run and rubber mat in long run are effective bedding material for calves in winter.
  20. 1% aloe vera can be supplemented in the diet of layers as a replacement to antibiotics for getting antibiotic free eggs.
  21. Supplement of aloe vera @ 4g/kg body weight is recommended as a growth promoter and immune booster for buffalo calves.