Infrastructure Available

Sr. No. Infrastructure Number
1. HOD Room One
2. Rooms-cum-laboratory for Faculty members Three
3. Seminar Room/Committee room-cum-Departmental Library with Projector facility One
4. Store Room One
5. Office Room One
6. Museum One
7. Under graduate Class Room with Projector facility One
8. PG Laboratory-1,2,3 - One room presently given to COE Office Three
9. Geo-informatics Laboratory One
10. Under Graduate Laboratory One
11. Animal House One

List of Equipments costing more than 2 lakh

  1. Thermocycler (Bio-rad): Two in number
  2. Digital Microscope with micrometry facility (Carl Zeiss)
  3. Pentahead Microscope (Nikon)
  4. Gel documentation system (Bio-rad)
  5. Cooling centrifuge (Thermo-Scientific)
  6. Digital microscope with camera (Olympus)